Video Presentation at ICONFED 2020 "Using Films for an Online Extensive Listening Library"


Using Films for an Online Extensive Listening Library In ELT, listening and reading can be analyzed by what learners are asked to do, such as intensive vs. extensive tasks. Teaching is typically centered on intensive aspects. Although the distinction is usually applied to reading, it analogously holds for listening. Intensive tasks combined with language-focused exercises typically prove insufficient as input. Learners require extensive but meaningful exposure to much more language. Is there a way to provide students with sufficient comprehensible input for language acquisition? Extensive reading has received a lot of attention but not extensive listening. This presentation will examine key concepts like intensive, extensive, and fluent types of listening (language processing). Then it will describe how to create a low-cost extensive listening program using online materials--that is, free software, public domain films, scripts / screenplays, and multilingual subtitle files. Moreover, the program can be done entirely online as a part of a taught course or to manage effective independent study. Finally, many of the techniques and procedures can be applied to teacher training, the native language arts, and various academic subjects. Keywords: ELT, intensive listening, extensive listening, public domain films


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