Okinawan English immersion program faces elimination

Some in ELT in Japan have argued that content teaching and English for Specific Purposes are the future of ELT here. However, at any level, attempting to teach content in a foreign language faces many challenges, such as teacher training, materials writing, effective methods, and COSTS. The program in Okinawa raises one issue that needs to be addressed under the category of 'evaluation': If less than half of the students say that they can understand the content taught in English, is that an acceptable level of comprehension?


English immersion program facing budget elimination

A special educational program at a pair of Okinawa City schools conducting classes in English is facing extinction unless something can be done to provide funding to keep the program going.

Yamauchi Junior High School and Kyuyo High School have been in the “immersion education” program since it was created on a test basis by the Okinawa Prefecture Board of Education in 2007. The trial period ends next month, and education officials say it’s likely the program will come to a near standstill after March because of a lack of funding....

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