A look ahead: ELT-J Issues #3 and #4

ELT in Japan's next two issues

This is what will appear in issue #3 of ELT in Japan, which, if published on schedule, ought to appear in June.  The article titles may be revised, but these will give you an idea of what the articles will cover.

1. Some thoughts and suggestions on textbook selection for university EFL classes in Japan

2. Directory of EFL publishers for the Japanese market

3. The Visual Pronunciation Dictionary (VPD): An introductory overview

4. Teaching and learning English /l/s and /r/s

5. Introduction to Truespel--a phonetic alphabet based on the principles of English pronunciation and spelling conventions   

This is what will appear in issue #4 of ELT in Japan, which, if published on schedule, ought to appear in August.  The article titles may be revised, but these will give you an idea of what the articles will cover.

1. Phonemic Awareness is an native literacy concept, but does it have applications for EFL?

2. A overview of schema theory for EFL teaching and learning 

3. Semantic Feature Analysis (SFA) adapted to the EFL classroom 


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