A Blog about ELT/TEFL in Japan

I'll add this to this blog's links, but here is the address and its description below. This seems to be about much of the same focus as ELT-J--teaching English in Japan, much of it at the tertiary level. 


Hello and welcome to *eisensei!

I decided to create this blog with the intent of improving my teaching skills. Please allow me to explain:

I am currently teaching English at a post-secondary institution in Japan. While I really enjoy my work, I have to say that I cannot help feeling somewhat isolated - meaning that there are no other full-time EFL instructors with whom I could discuss ideas and techniques. Although I do have experience, I think it is still important to bounce ideas off of others and get advice on different areas of teaching. Now, I do belong to several associations, subscribe to a few journals, and am a member on some forums, which have helped me greatly, but I think that again it is that contact with others in the same situation that can help the most. You are probably now thinking that I should just go and post on different forums, but what I am planning to do is a little different - I intend to post my lesson plans, my materials and notes of my classes - keeping privacy in mind - with the hope that you, my teaching peers, may give me advice that may help me become a better teacher, and in return, I hope that my blog can also help you in your teaching as well.



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