
Implementing Better Multiple Choice for EFL Learning and Testing (a presentation made at IELT-CON 2021 / PELLTA)

The conference was done online, and this is the video for my presentation. A video of the presentation, "Implementing Better Multiple Choice for EFL Learning and Testing." by Charles Jannuzi, University of Fukui, Japan This presentation describes and explains procedures and techniques by which teachers can create their own collections of multiple-choice (objective-response) items for language practice and testing for courses. The focus is specifically how to devise and deploy multiple choice questions (MCQ) to enable language practice and testing that are more organic to assigned courses and their designated syllabuses, materials, and classroom content. It is hoped that these explanations and examples will serve, for example, teachers who have to give grades based on objective evaluation to large numbers of students and who do not have time for alternative means (e.g., oral interviews). A couple of notes of correction and clarification: 1. ...

Video Presentation at ICONFED 2020 "Using Films for an Online Extensive Listening Library" INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON THE FUTURE OF EDUCATION 2020 Using Films for an Online Extensive Listening Library In ELT, listening and reading can be analyzed by what learners are asked to do, such as intensive vs. extensive tasks. Teaching is typically centered on intensive aspects. Although the distinction is usually applied to reading, it analogously holds for listening. Intensive tasks combined with language-focused exercises typically prove insufficient as input. Learners require extensive but meaningful exposure to much more language. Is there a way to provide students with sufficient comprehensible input for language acquisition? Extensive reading has received a lot of attention but not extensive listening. This presentation will examine key concepts like intensive, extensive, and fluent types of listening (language processing). Then it will describe how to create a low-cost extensive listening program using online materials--that ...

Paper for Presentation at ICONFED 2020 "Using Films for an Online Extensive Listening Library"

 Using Films for an Online Extensive Listening Library Introduction In ELT, listening and reading can be distinguished according to what types of tasks learners are asked to do. While any number of various goals could be singled out, a major contrast is often drawn between intensive vs. extensive tasks. Classroom activities are typically monopolized by intensive aspects. Although the distinction usually differentiates types of reading tasks, it can also be applied analogously to listening. For example, a class that is centered on taking the TOEFL or IELTS will emphasize intensive listening and reading questions like the ones on the tests.  The problem is that the domination of intensive tasks in the classroom leads to a dearth of  linguistic input, especially in EFL situations. Is there a way to increase the incidental exposure of students with English such that it leads to higher motivation,  a greater engagement with language learning activities, significantly more...

New issue of ELT in Japan (Practitioner Journal).

It is available as a download in .pdf at the link below. It can also be viewed in the browser if the browser can display .pdfs.

iELT-CON 2019 Workshop: Getting Students to Do Systematic, Effective Independent V...

Link to presentation on vocabulary teaching (upcoming workshop at iELT-CON 2019)

You can view or download the presentation as PDF at the following link: Getting S tudents to D o S ystematic, E ffective  I ndependent V ocabulary S tudy

MELTA Journal English Teacher Article: Implementing a Pronunciation Component into a Course Syllabus

The article that is the follow-up to the MELTA 2018 workshop on teaching pronunciation is now up at the MELTA English Teacher site. The link to the ET journal online is: The link to the article in PDF form is: You can click through and display the PDF in your browser. And you can also download it, here: